This pork and vegetable miso soup is a classic comfort food in Japan and it will quickly become one in your house as well. This recipe is easy and quick to prepare but it's also full of incredible flavors.
1 tablespoon Sesame Oil
3 tablespoon Vegetable Oil
250g Pork Belly (extremely thinly sliced and cut into 2 inch long slices)
150g Daikon (cut in thin half moon pieces)
100g Gobo (peeled and cut into thin pieces as if you sharpen a pencil with a knife)
100g Carrot (cut into thin slices)
1/2 Onion (cut into thin slices)
2 Green Onions (thinly sliced)
4 cups Water
2 teaspoons Dashi Seasoning (more if you want a stronger flavor)
4 tablespoons Miso Paste (more if you want a stronger flavor)
1 teaspoon Ginger (grated)
100g Medium Tofu
Add sesame oil to a large pot over medium heat.
Mix water and dashi in a different pot and bring to a simmer.
Add the pork in and cook while stirring with a spatula until it's no longer pink.
Add in the daikon, gobo, carrot, onion, green onions and the vegetable oil.
When pork and vegetables are all covered in oil, add in the tofu into small pieces, water and dashi mix in.
Stir soup, cover, and bring to a boil.
Remove excess fat from the top and simmer for 10-15 minutes until vegetables are soft.
Turn off the heat.
Add in the miso paste dissolving it into the broth (I like putting the paste in a small fine strainer, lowering the strainer slightly so the paste is inside the water and stirring inside the strainer until all the paste is dissolved)